
Frank-Wolfe methods with an unbounded feasible region and applications to structured learning. (English) Zbl 1508.90062

Summary: The Frank-Wolfe method is a popular algorithm for solving large-scale convex optimization problems appearing in structured statistical learning. However, the traditional Frank-Wolfe method can only be applied when the feasible region is bounded, which limits its applicability in practice. Motivated by two applications in statistical learning, the \(\ell_1\) trend filtering problem and matrix optimization problems with generalized nuclear norm constraints, we study a family of convex optimization problems where the unbounded feasible region is the direct sum of an unbounded linear subspace and a bounded constraint set. We propose two new Frank-Wolfe methods, the unbounded Frank-Wolfe method and the unbounded away-step Frank-Wolfe method, for solving a family of convex optimization problems with this class of unbounded feasible regions. We show that under proper regularity conditions, the unbounded Frank-Wolfe method has an \(O(1/k)\) sublinear convergence rate, and the unbounded away-step Frank-Wolfe method has a linear convergence rate, matching the best-known results for the Frank-Wolfe method when the feasible region is bounded. Furthermore, computational experiments indicate that our proposed methods appear to outperform alternative solvers.


90C25 Convex programming
90C22 Semidefinite programming
90C06 Large-scale problems in mathematical programming
90-08 Computational methods for problems pertaining to operations research and mathematical programming


CVXPY; SCS; Mosek; softImpute


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