
Locally type \(\mathrm{FP}_n\) and \(n\)-coherent categories. (English) Zbl 1508.18003

The first and third author [J. Pure Appl. Algebra 221, No. 6, 1249–1267 (2017; Zbl 1362.18019)] described a nice interplay between modules of type \(\mathrm{FP}_{n}\)and \(n\)-coherentrings in terms of closure properties. The principal objective in this paper is to present and study the concept of \(n\)-coherent categories as a general framework for the study of finiteness conditions of objects, based mainly in the proposal of the concept of locally type \(\mathrm{FP}_{n}\) categories and \(n\)-coherent objects, as generalizations of locally f-initely generated and locally finitely presented categories, and of noetherian and coherent objects [B. Stenström, Rings of quotients. An introduction to methods of ring theory. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer-Verlag (1975; Zbl 0296.16001; J. Stovicek, “On purity and applications to coderived and singularity categories”, Preprint, arXiv:1412.1615]. The main result is Theorem 5.5, where several characterizations of \(n\)-coherent categories are given. One of these characterizations is given in terms of the existence of a hereditary small cotorsion theory generated by the class of objects of type \(\mathrm{FP}_{n}\). Theorem 5.5 also generalizes the results in [D. Bravo and M. A. Pérez, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 221, No. 6, 1249–1267 (2017; Zbl 1362.18019)] concerning modules of type \(\mathrm{FP}_{n}\), \(\mathrm{FP}_{n}\)-injective modules and \(n\)-coherent rings to the more general context of Grothendieck categories.
The synopsis of the paper goes as follows.
§ 2
is concerned with categorical and homological preliminaries.
§ 3
presents the concept of objects of type \(\mathrm{FP}_{n}\)in a Grothendieck category, studying several closure properties along with some alternative descriptions under some extra assumption in the ground category. The authors also define locally type \(\mathrm{FP}_{n}\) categories as a formal setting for the existence of objects of type \(\mathrm{FP}_{n}\).
§ 4
investigates injectivity relative to objects of type \(\mathrm{FP}_{n}\). The authors define the class \(\mathcal{FP}_{n}\)-Inj of \(\mathrm{FP}_{n}\)-injective objects, showing that this class is the right half of a complete cotorsion pair \(\left( ^{\bot_{1}}\left( \mathcal{FP} _{n}\text{-Inj}\right) ,\mathcal{FP}_{n}\text{-Inj}\right) \) cogenerated by a set in any locally type \(\mathrm{FP}_{n}\)category.
§ 5
is devoted to \(n\)-coherent categories. One of the principal results in this section is that the previous cotorsion pair is hereditary iff the ground category is \(n\)-coherent. Another important result holding in \(n\)-coherent categories is that \(\mathcal{FP}_{n}\)-Inj is a covering class.
§ 6
defines the Gorenstein \(\mathrm{FP}_{n}\)-injective objects, constructing model structures such that they form the class of fibrant objects.


18C35 Accessible and locally presentable categories
18A25 Functor categories, comma categories
18E10 Abelian categories, Grothendieck categories
18F20 Presheaves and sheaves, stacks, descent conditions (category-theoretic aspects)
18G15 Ext and Tor, generalizations, Künneth formula (category-theoretic aspects)
18G25 Relative homological algebra, projective classes (category-theoretic aspects)
18N40 Homotopical algebra, Quillen model categories, derivators


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