
Entropic optimal transport: convergence of potentials. (English) Zbl 1504.90095

Summary: We study the potential functions that determine the optimal density for \(\varepsilon \)-entropically regularized optimal transport, the so-called Schrödinger potentials, and their convergence to the counterparts in classical optimal transport, the Kantorovich potentials. In the limit \(\varepsilon \rightarrow 0\) of vanishing regularization, strong compactness holds in \(L^1\) and cluster points are Kantorovich potentials. In particular, the Schrödinger potentials converge in \(L^1\) to the Kantorovich potentials as soon as the latter are unique. These results are proved for all continuous, integrable cost functions on Polish spaces. In the language of Schrödinger bridges, the limit corresponds to the small-noise regime.


90C25 Convex programming
49N05 Linear optimal control problems
90C08 Special problems of linear programming (transportation, multi-index, data envelopment analysis, etc.)


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