
A bracing nonlinear walk in applied mechanics: memoirs and reflections. (English) Zbl 1504.74036

Summary: This article is an informal auto-biographical memoir by Mike Thompson, reflecting in retirement on his scientific researches in nonlinear phenomena, wandering pictorially from shell buckling, through bifurcations and chaos to climate tipping points. Some ideas and advice to young researchers are offered whenever it seems appropriate. Two research groups at University College London, and their two IUTAM Symposia are given some prominence, as are the ten years editing the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.


74H60 Dynamical bifurcation of solutions to dynamical problems in solid mechanics
74H65 Chaotic behavior of solutions to dynamical problems in solid mechanics
74G60 Bifurcation and buckling
70K50 Bifurcations and instability for nonlinear problems in mechanics
01A70 Biographies, obituaries, personalia, bibliographies
Full Text: DOI


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