
A topos for continuous logic. (English) Zbl 1500.03019

Continous first-order logic, reminiscent of the earlier logic introduced by C. C. Chang and H. J. Keisler [Continuous model theory. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ (1966; Zbl 0149.00402)], was introduced by I. Ben Yaacov and A. Usvyatsov [Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 362, No. 10, 5213–5259 (2010; Zbl 1200.03024)] studying complete metric spaces of finite diameter, say of dimension \(1\), terms being uniformly continuous functions between such metric spaces, and formulas being uniformly continuous functions into the unit interval. It allows the study of elementary classes of complete metric structures that are not elementary in classical model theory. Many concepts from classical logic such as completeness and compactness can be given continuous counterparts.
This paper analyzes continuous logic from the point of view of categorical logic. The papers [J.-M. Albert, “Bradd Hart metric logical categories and conceptual completeness for first order continuous logic”, Preprint, arXiv:1607.03068; S. Cho, J. Symb. Log. 85, No. 3, 1044–1078 (2020; Zbl 1462.03031)] are precursors, where they start by modifying the standard framework of categorical logic, putting much emphasis on F. W. Lawvere’s ideas [Rend. Semin. Mat. Fis. Milano 43, 135–166 (1974; Zbl 0335.18006); Repr. Theory Appl. Categ. 2002, No. 1, 1–37 (2002; Zbl 1078.18501)] to understand metric spaces as enriched categories. In contrast, the analysis in this paper does not rely on enriched category theory, but instead uses conventional concepts from categorical logic such as the logic of a topos and Lawvere’s notion of a hyperdoctrine [loc. cit.].
The authors start with a new hyperdoctrine, which is called CMT (continuous model theory). The principal objective in this paper is to embed this hyperdoctrine into the subobject hyperdoctrine of a Grothendieck topos. It is shown that continuous logic is subsumed by the framework for categorical logic provided by topos theory. For this embedding the authors use a simplification of the hyperdoctrine CMT, which is denoted by U. It is also shown that the category of equivalence relations over U is equivalent to the category of complete metric spaces and uniformly continuous maps.


03G30 Categorical logic, topoi
03C66 Continuous model theory, model theory of metric structures
18F10 Grothendieck topologies and Grothendieck topoi


[1] Clearly, every member Ψ contains the diagonal.
[2] If U ∈ Ψ, then U a ⊆ U for some a ∈ (0, 1] ∩ Q. From the symmetry of R, it follows that U b ⊆ U −1 a for some b ∈ (0, 1] ∩ Q, so U −1 a ∈ Ψ hence U −1 ∈ Ψ.
[3] If U ∈ Ψ, then U a ⊆ U for some a ∈ (0, 1] ∩ Q. From the transitivity of R, it follows that U b • U b ⊆ U a ⊆ U for some b ∈ (0, 1] ∩ Q
[4] If U, V ∈ Ψ, then U a ⊆ U and U b ⊆ V with a, b ∈ (0, 1] ∩ Q. Then U min(a,b) ⊆ U a ∩ U b ⊆ U ∩ V , so U ∩ V ∈ Ψ.
[5] Clearly, if U ∈ Ψ and U ⊆ V then V ∈ Ψ.
[6] To show that d is single-valued, let ε > 0. Since d induces Ψ, there exists a γ > 0 such that V γ ⊆ U ε . Let δ = 1 2 γ. If x, y and y ′ are elements of X such that max(d(x, y), d(x, y ′ )) ≤ δ, then (y, y ′ ) ∈ V γ , hence R(y, y ′ ) ≤ ε. A similar argument shows that the converse of d is single-valued as well.
[7] Clearly, d is total, and the converse holds as well.
[8] So G : pMet 1 → ER(U) is essentially surjective. This fact, together with Proposition 5.10 and Proposition 5.9, shows that G : cMet 1 → ER(U) is an equivalence. 5.12. Remark. The argument is the theorem above can be extended to show that there is a functor from the category ER(U) to the category of uniform spaces. It may be interesting to study this functor further: for instance, is it an embedding? the hyperdoctrine CMT into the subobject hyper-doctrine of a topos. In this section we take the first step in that direction: we will embed CMT into the subobject hyperdoctrine of a coherent category. The hyperdoctrine that we will consider is the category of partial equivalence relations (PERs) over the hyper-doctrine U. By characterising the subobjects in categories of partial equivalence relations as strict relations, we will be able to define an embedding from CMT into the subobject hyperdoctrine of PER(U).
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[28] Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Postbus 90242, 1090 GE Amsterdam, The Netherlands Email: daefigueroa@gmail.com B.vandenBerg3@uva.nl
[29] Maria Manuel Clementino, Universidade de Coimbra: mmc@mat.uc.pt Valeria de Paiva, Nuance Communications Inc: valeria.depaiva@gmail.com Richard Garner, Macquarie University: richard.garner@mq.edu.au Ezra Getzler, Northwestern University: getzler (at) northwestern(dot)edu
[30] Dirk Hofmann, Universidade de Aveiro: dirk@ua.pt Joachim Kock, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona: kock (at) mat.uab.cat Stephen Lack, Macquarie University: steve.lack@mq.edu.au Tom Leinster, University of Edinburgh: Tom.Leinster@ed.ac.uk Matias Menni, Conicet and Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina: matias.menni@gmail.com Susan Niefield, Union College: niefiels@union.edu
[31] Kate Ponto, University of Kentucky: kate.ponto (at) uky.edu Robert Rosebrugh, Mount Allison University: rrosebrugh@mta.ca Jiří Rosický, Masaryk University: rosicky@math.muni.cz Giuseppe Rosolini, Università di Genova: rosolini@disi.unige.it Michael Shulman, University of San Diego: shulman@sandiego.edu Alex Simpson, University of Ljubljana: Alex.Simpson@fmf.uni-lj.si James Stasheff, University of North Carolina: jds@math.upenn.edu
[32] Tim Van der Linden, Université catholique de Louvain: tim.vanderlinden@uclouvain.be
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