
Consistency of Lipschitz learning with infinite unlabeled data and finite labeled data. (English) Zbl 1499.35598

Summary: We study the consistency of Lipschitz learning on graphs in the limit of infinite unlabeled data and finite labeled data. Previous work has conjectured that Lipschitz learning is well-posed in this limit, but is insensitive to the distribution of the unlabeled data, which is undesirable for semi-supervised learning. We first prove that this conjecture is true in the special case of a random geometric graph model with kernel-based weights. Then we go on to show that on a random geometric graph with self-tuning weights, Lipschitz learning is in fact highly sensitive to the distribution of the unlabeled data, and we show how the degree of sensitivity can be adjusted by tuning the weights. In both cases, our results follow from showing that the sequence of learned functions converges to the viscosity solution of an \(\infty\)-Laplace-type equation and studying the structure of the limiting equation.


35R02 PDEs on graphs and networks (ramified or polygonal spaces)
35D40 Viscosity solutions to PDEs
35J60 Nonlinear elliptic equations
65N06 Finite difference methods for boundary value problems involving PDEs


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