
On type-2 fuzzy weighted minimum spanning tree. (English) Zbl 1498.05228

Summary: This article investigates the notion of a minimum spanning tree (MST) of an undirected type-2 fuzzy weighted connected graph (UT2FWCG), where the edge weights are represented as discrete type-2 fuzzy variables. A modified type-2 fuzzy Borüvka’s algorithm (MT2FBA) is proposed to determine an MST of UT2FWCG. The effective weight of the MST is calculated, and its defuzzified value is compared with an equivalent MST with deterministic weights. The working principle of the algorithm includes ranking, addition operation and defuzzification of discrete type-2 fuzzy variables. The defuzzified effective weight of the MST is determined using the critical value (CV)-based type reduction technique and centroid method. The proposed algorithm is numerically illustrated with suitable examples. Moreover, the simulation results of nine random instances of UT2FWCG are also studied to analyze the proposed MT2FBA properly.


05C72 Fractional graph theory, fuzzy graph theory
05C35 Extremal problems in graph theory
05C05 Trees
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