
The simplicial coalgebra of chains determines homotopy types rationally and one prime at a time. (English) Zbl 1496.55009

Let \(R\) be any commutative ring. The authors say that a map between reduced Kan complexes \(f: X\rightarrow Y\) is a \(\pi_1\)-\(R\)-equivalence when this map induces a bijection on fundamental groups \(\pi_1(f): \pi_1(X)\xrightarrow{\simeq}\pi_1(Y)\) and an isomorphism on the \(R\)-homology of universal covers \(H_*(\tilde{f},R): H_*(\tilde{X},R)\xrightarrow{\simeq} H_*(\tilde{Y},R)\). For instance, a map \(f\) is a \(\pi_1\)-\(\mathbb{Z}\)-equivalence if and only if \(f\) is a homotopy equivalence.
The authors consider the functor \(X\mapsto RX\), which, to any reduced Kan complex \(X\), associates the simplicial commutative \(R\)-coalgebra of chains on \(X\). Recall that a simplicial set \(X\) is reduced when its vertex set is reduced to a one-point set \(X_0 = *\). This assumption implies that the simplicial \(R\)-coalgebra \(RX\) is connected in the sense that its zero dimensional component \(RX_0\) is reduced to the ground ring \(R\).
The authors prove that the simplicial commutative \(R\)-coalgebra \(RX\) determines the simplicial set \(X\) up to \(\pi_1\)-\(R\)-equivalence when \(R\) is a field in the sense that reduced Kan complexes \(X\) and \(Y\) can be connected by a zigzag of \(\pi_1\)-\(R\)-equivalences if and only if the associated connected simplicial commutative \(R\)-coalgebras \(RX\) and \(RY\) can be connected by a zigzag of \(\Omega\)-quasi-isomorphisms, where an \(\Omega\)-quasi-isomorphism is a morphism of simplicial commutative \(R\)-coalgebras \(f: C\rightarrow D\) that induces a quasi-isomorphism \(\Omega N_*(f): \Omega N_*(C)\xrightarrow{\sim}\Omega N_*(D)\) on the cobar construction \(\Omega(-)\) of the normalized chains \(N_*(-)\) of our coalgebras. (We then use that the normalized chain complex of a simplicial \(R\)-coalgebra forms a differential graded \(R\)-coalgebra.)
The authors conjecture that an analogous statement holds over \(R = \mathbb{Z}\) and not only over a field. They establish that such a result holds in the special case of reduced Kan complexes whose universal cover is of finite type.
The proof of the results of the paper relies on the definition of a fundamental bialgebra, associated to any connected simplicial cocommutative coalgebra, and which, in the case of a simplicial coalgebra of chains \(RX\), is identified with the group algebra \(R[\pi_1(X)]\). The authors also define a notion of universal cover on the category of connected simplicial cocommutative \(R\)-coalgebras and they apply results of P. G. Goerss [Math. Z. 220, No. 4, 523–544 (1995; Zbl 0849.55011)] at the level of universal covers to obtain their statement.


55P15 Classification of homotopy type
55U15 Chain complexes in algebraic topology
57T30 Bar and cobar constructions
55P60 Localization and completion in homotopy theory


Zbl 0849.55011


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