
Riemannian barycentres of Gibbs distributions: new results on concentration and convexity in compact symmetric spaces. (English) Zbl 1495.53074

Summary: The Riemannian barycentre (or Fréchet mean) is the workhorse of data analysis for data taking values in Riemannian manifolds. The Riemannian barycentre of a probability distribution \(P\) on a Riemannian manifold \(M\) is a possible generalisation of the concept of expected value, at least when the barycentre is unique. Knowing when the barycentre of \(P\) is unique is of fundamental importance for its interpretation and computation. Existing results can only guarantee this uniqueness by assuming \(P\) is supported inside a convex geodesic ball \(B(x^*, \delta) \subset M\). This assumption is overly restrictive since many distributions have support equal to \(M\) yet are sufficiently concentrated within a convex geodesic ball that they nevertheless have a unique barycentre. This paper studies the concentration of Gibbs distributions on Riemannian manifolds and gives conditions for the barycentre to be unique. Specifically, consider the Gibbs distribution \(P =P_T\) with unnormalised density \(\exp(-U/T)\) for some potential \(U:M\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\) and some temperature \(T>0\). If \(M\) is a simply connected compact Riemannian symmetric space, and \(U\) has a unique global minimum at \(x^*\), then for each \(\delta<\frac{1}{2}r_{cx}\) (\(r_{cx}\) the convexity radius of \(M\)), there exists a critical temperature \(T_\delta\) such that \(T<T_\delta\) implies \(P_T\) has a unique Riemannian barycentre \(\bar{x}_T\) and this \(\bar{x}_T\) belongs to the geodesic ball \(B(x^*, \delta)\). Moreover, if \(U\) is invariant by geodesic symmetry about \(x^*\), then \(\bar{x}_T = x^*\). Remarkably, this conclusion does not require the potential \(U\) to be smooth and therefore serves as the foundation of a new general algorithm for black-box optimisation. This algorithm is briefly illustrated with two numerical experiments.


53C35 Differential geometry of symmetric spaces
53B12 Differential geometric aspects of statistical manifolds and information geometry
65C99 Probabilistic methods, stochastic differential equations
62H99 Multivariate analysis
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