
On the factorable spaces of absolutely \(p\)-summable, null, convergent, and bounded sequences. (English) Zbl 1491.46007

Summary: Let \(F\) denote the factorable matrix and \(X\in\{ \ell_p,c_0,c, \ell_\infty\}\). In this study, we introduce the domains \(X(F)\) of the factorable matrix in the spaces \(X\). Also, we give the bases and determine the alpha-, beta- and gamma-duals of the spaces \(X(F)\). We obtain the necessary and sufficient conditions on an infinite matrix belonging to the classes \((\ell_p(F),\ell_\infty)\), \((\ell_p(F),f)\) and \((X,Y(F))\) of matrix transformations, where \(Y\) denotes any given sequence space. Furthermore, we give the necessary and sufficient conditions for factorizing an operator based on the matrix \(F\) and derive two factorizations for the Cesàro and Hilbert matrices based on the Gamma matrix. Additionally, we investigate the norm of operators on the domain of the matrix \(F\). Finally, we find the norm of Hilbert operators on some sequence spaces and deal with the lower bound of operators on the domain of the factorable matrix.


46A45 Sequence spaces (including Köthe sequence spaces)
46B45 Banach sequence spaces
40C05 Matrix methods for summability
40G05 Cesàro, Euler, Nörlund and Hausdorff methods
47B37 Linear operators on special spaces (weighted shifts, operators on sequence spaces, etc.)
47B39 Linear difference operators
47A30 Norms (inequalities, more than one norm, etc.) of linear operators
26D15 Inequalities for sums, series and integrals
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