
Finite state graphon games with applications to epidemics. (English) Zbl 1489.91052

Summary: We consider a game for a continuum of non-identical players evolving on a finite state space. Their heterogeneous interactions are represented with a graphon, which can be viewed as the limit of a dense random graph. A player’s transition rates between the states depend on their control and the strength of interaction with the other players. We develop a rigorous mathematical framework for the game and analyze Nash equilibria. We provide a sufficient condition for a Nash equilibrium and prove existence of solutions to a continuum of fully coupled forward-backward ordinary differential equations characterizing Nash equilibria. Moreover, we propose a numerical approach based on machine learning methods and we present experimental results on different applications to compartmental models in epidemiology.


91A43 Games involving graphs
91A16 Mean field games (aspects of game theory)
92D30 Epidemiology


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