
Calculating four-loop corrections in QCD. (English) Zbl 1484.81099

Bluemlein, Johannes (ed.) et al., Anti-differentiation and the calculation of Feynman amplitudes. Selected papers based on the presentations at the conference, Zeuthen, Germany, October 2020. Cham: Springer. Texts Monogr. Symb. Comput., 321-334 (2021).
Summary: We review the current status of perturbative corrections in QCD at four loops for scattering processes with space- and time-like kinematics at colliders, with specific focus on deep-inelastic scattering and electron-positron annihilation. The calculations build on the parametric reduction of loop and phase space integrals up to four-loop order using computer algebra programs such as Form, designed for large scale computations.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1475.81004].


81V05 Strong interaction, including quantum chromodynamics
81Q15 Perturbation theories for operators and differential equations in quantum theory
81Q30 Feynman integrals and graphs; applications of algebraic topology and algebraic geometry
81V35 Nuclear physics
81U35 Inelastic and multichannel quantum scattering
81-08 Computational methods for problems pertaining to quantum theory




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