
On coarser interval temporal logics. (English) Zbl 1480.03010

Summary: The primary characteristic of interval temporal logic is that intervals, rather than points, are taken as the primitive ontological entities. Given their generally bad computational behavior of interval temporal logics, several techniques exist to produce decidable and computationally affordable temporal logics based on intervals. In this paper we take inspiration from Golumbic and Shamir’s coarser interval algebras, which generalize the classical Allen’s Interval Algebra, in order to define two previously unknown variants of Halpern and Shoham’s logic (HS) based on coarser relations. We prove that, perhaps surprisingly, the satisfiability problem for the coarsest of the two variants, namely \(\mathrm{HS}_3\), not only is decidable, but PSpace-complete in the finite/discrete case, and PSpace-hard in any other case; besides proving its complexity bounds, we implement a tableau-based satisfiability checker for it and test it against a systematically generated benchmark. Our results are strengthened by showing that not all coarser-than-Allen’s relations are a guarantee of decidability, as we prove that the second variant, namely \(\mathrm{HS}_7\), remains undecidable in all interesting cases.


03B44 Temporal logic
68Q25 Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity
03B45 Modal logic (including the logic of norms)




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