
On almost valuation ring pairs. (English) Zbl 1478.13014

A commutative and unital ring \(R\) is an AV-ring (Almost Valuation Ring) if for every \(a\), \(b\) in \(R\) there exists a positive integer \(n\) such that \(a^nR\subseteq b^nR\) or \(b^nR\subseteq a^nR\). Being an AV-ring implies being quasi-local. If \(R\) is a domain, then it is an AV-domain if for every \(a\) in its quotient field there is a positive integer \(n\) such that \(a^n\in R\) or \(a^{-n}\in R\). Now, let \(S\) be a commutative overring of \(R\) with the same unit element. Then \((R,S)\) is an AV-ring pair if for every ring in the set \([R,S]\) (of all rings \(T\) such that \(R\subseteq T\subseteq S\)) is an AV-ring. In the same way, \((R,S)\) is an AV-domain pair if every element of \([R,S]\) is an AV-domain. This paper provides a broad study of the AV-ring pairs. The reader can find more or less thirty necessary and sufficient conditions (NSC) for being an AV-ring pair, ten for being an AV-domain pair, and other characterizations. For example, \((R,S)\) is an AV-ring pair if, and only if, \((R,\overline{R}_S)\) and \((\overline{R}_S,S)\) are AV-ring pairs, where \(\overline{R}_S\) is the integral closure of \(R\) in \(S\). The authors look at extensions of rings \((R\subset S)\) satisfying different conditions, and they get NSC for \((R,S)\) being an AV-ring pair. For example, if \(R\) is a field and \(S\) is a nonzero \(R\)-algebra, then a NSC is: \(R\subset S\) being an integral extension and \(S\) being quasi-local. They consider reduced rings (i.e.they do not contain nonzero nilpotent elements), normal pairs (i.e.every element of \([R,S]\) is integrally closed in \(S\)), P-extensions (every element of \(S\) is the root of a polynomial at least one of whose coefficients is a unit), root extensions (for every \(s\in S\) there is a positive integer \(n\) such that \(s^n\in R\)). Several propositions are dedicated to inductive families of AV-ring pairs, and we can deduce NSC for being AV-ring pairs which rely on the finite type \(R\) sub-algebras of \(S\). The authors show that being an AV-ring or an AV-ring pair can be proved by means of pullback of quotients by prime ideals. A section is dedicated to the case where \((R\subset S)\) is a minimal pair (i.e.\([R,S]=\{R,S\}\)). The sixth section focuses on the case where \(R\) is not an AV-domain, but every ring in \(]R,S]\) is an AV-domain. In the last section, locally divided domains are studied (if \(R\) is a domain, then it is locally divided if every maximal ideal \(M\) is equal to \(MR_M\)). In this section, some proofs rely on going-down (\(R\subset S\) satisfies going-down if for every chain \(I_1\supseteq \cdots \supseteq I_n\) of prime ideals of \(R\) such that there exists a chain \(J_1\supseteq \cdots \supseteq J_{n-1}\) of prime ideals of \(S\) such that every \(J_k\) lies over \(I_k\) (\(1\leq k<n\)), the later chain can be completed in a chain \(J_1\supseteq \cdots \supseteq J_n\) where \(J_n\) lies over \(I_n\)). So, many aspects of AV-ring pairs and AV-domain pairs are studied through the eight lemmas, eleven propositions, nine theorems, fifteen corollaries, three examples and three remarks of this paper.


13B99 Commutative ring extensions and related topics
12F05 Algebraic field extensions
13A99 General commutative ring theory
13A18 Valuations and their generalizations for commutative rings
13B21 Integral dependence in commutative rings; going up, going down
13G05 Integral domains
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