
A non-intrusive correction algorithm for classification problems with corrupted data. (English) Zbl 1476.62014

Summary: A novel correction algorithm is proposed for multi-class classification problems with corrupted training data. The algorithm is non-intrusive, in the sense that it post-processes a trained classification model by adding a correction procedure to the model prediction. The correction procedure can be coupled with any approximators, such as logistic regression, neural networks of various architectures, etc. When the training dataset is sufficiently large, we theoretically prove (in the limiting case) and numerically show that the corrected models deliver correct classification results as if there is no corruption in the training data. For datasets of finite size, the corrected models produce significantly better recovery results, compared to the models without the correction algorithm. All of the theoretical findings in the paper are verified by our numerical examples.


62-08 Computational methods for problems pertaining to statistics
68P30 Coding and information theory (compaction, compression, models of communication, encoding schemes, etc.) (aspects in computer science)
68R01 General topics of discrete mathematics in relation to computer science


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