
Wronskians of Fourier and Laplace transforms. (English) Zbl 1476.11117

C. Andréief’s identity for Gram determinants [Bord. Mém. (3) II. 1–14 (1886; JFM 18.0262.03)] is used to give an expression of the Wronskian of the first \(n\) derivatives of a Fourier or Laplace transform. Wiener’s \(L^1\) tauberian theorem is then used to give a necessary and sufficient criterion for a Fourier transform \(\varphi\) of some special type to have only real zeros. This restatement is in terms of the density in \(L^1(\mathbb R)\) of subspaces of translates of functions related to \(\varphi\). In particular, an equivalent form of the Riemann hypothesis is given.


11M26 Nonreal zeros of \(\zeta (s)\) and \(L(s, \chi)\); Riemann and other hypotheses
42B10 Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes transforms and other transforms of Fourier type
30D10 Representations of entire functions of one complex variable by series and integrals
30D15 Special classes of entire functions of one complex variable and growth estimates
40E05 Tauberian theorems
42A82 Positive definite functions in one variable harmonic analysis


JFM 18.0262.03


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