
An analytical option pricing formula for mean-reverting asset with time-dependent parameter. (English) Zbl 1471.91582

Summary: We present an analytical option pricing formula for the European options, in which the price dynamics of a risky asset follows a mean-reverting process with a time-dependent parameter. The process can be adapted to describe a seasonal variation in price such as in agricultural commodity markets. An analytical solution is derived based on the solution of a partial differential equation, which shows that a European option price can be decomposed into two terms: the payoff of the option at the initial time and the time-integral over the lifetime of the option driven by a time-dependent parameter. Finally, results obtained from the formula have been compared with Monte Carlo simulations and a Black-Scholes-type formula under various kinds of long-run mean functions, and some examples of option price behaviours have been provided.


91G20 Derivative securities (option pricing, hedging, etc.)
35Q91 PDEs in connection with game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences
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