
Optimal stopping with \(f\)-expectations: the irregular case. (English) Zbl 1471.60055

Summary: We consider the optimal stopping problem with non-linear \(f\)-expectation (induced by a BSDE) without making any regularity assumptions on the payoff process \(\xi\) and in the case of a general filtration. We show that the value family can be aggregated by an optional process \(Y\). We characterize the process \(Y\) as the \(\mathcal{E}^f\)-Snell envelope of \(\xi \). We also establish an infinitesimal characterization of the value process \(Y\) in terms of a Reflected BSDE with \(\xi\) as the obstacle. To do this, we first establish some useful properties of irregular RBSDEs, in particular an existence and uniqueness result and a comparison theorem.


60G40 Stopping times; optimal stopping problems; gambling theory
60G65 Nonlinear processes (e.g., \(G\)-Brownian motion, \(G\)-Lévy processes)
60H10 Stochastic ordinary differential equations (aspects of stochastic analysis)
91G20 Derivative securities (option pricing, hedging, etc.)


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