
Predator avoidance and foraging for food shape synchrony and response to perturbations in trophic metacommunities. (English) Zbl 1470.92386

Summary: The response of species to perturbations strongly depends on spatial aspects in populations connected by dispersal. Asynchronous fluctuations in biomass among populations lower the risk of simultaneous local extinctions and thus reduce the regional extinction risk. However, dispersal is often seen as passive diffusion that balances species abundance between distant patches, whereas ecological constraints, such as predator avoidance or foraging for food, trigger the movement of individuals. Here, we propose a model in which dispersal rates depend on the abundance of the species interacting with the dispersing species (e.g., prey or predators) to determine how density-dependent dispersal shapes spatial synchrony in trophic metacommunities in response to stochastic perturbations. Thus, unlike those with passive dispersal, this model with density-dependent dispersal bypasses the classic vertical transmission of perturbations due to trophic interactions and deeply alters synchrony patterns. We show that the species with the highest coefficient of variation of biomass governs the dispersal rate of the dispersing species and determines the synchrony of its populations. In addition, we show that this mechanism can be modulated by the relative impact of each species on the growth rate of the dispersing species. Species affected by several constraints disperse to mitigate the strongest constraints (e.g., predation), which does not necessarily experience the highest variations due to perturbations. Our approach can disentangle the joint effects of several factors implied in dispersal and provides a more accurate description of dispersal and its consequences on metacommunity dynamics.


92D40 Ecology
92D25 Population dynamics (general)


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