
Dimensionality reduction of complex metastable systems via kernel embeddings of transition manifolds. (English) Zbl 1466.37068

Summary: We present a novel kernel-based machine learning algorithm for identifying the low-dimensional geometry of the effective dynamics of high-dimensional multiscale stochastic systems. Recently, the authors developed a mathematical framework for the computation of optimal reaction coordinates of such systems that is based on learning a parameterization of a low-dimensional transition manifold in a certain function space. In this article, we enhance this approach by embedding and learning this transition manifold in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space, exploiting the favorable properties of kernel embeddings. Under mild assumptions on the kernel, the manifold structure is shown to be preserved under the embedding, and distortion bounds can be derived. This leads to a more robust and more efficient algorithm compared to the previous parameterization approaches.


37M99 Approximation methods and numerical treatment of dynamical systems
68T05 Learning and adaptive systems in artificial intelligence
68T10 Pattern recognition, speech recognition


VAMPnets; Gromacs


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