
Validated numerics for period-tupling and touch-and-go bifurcations of symmetric periodic orbits in reversible systems. (English) Zbl 1464.65282

Summary: We propose a general framework for computer-assisted verification of the presence of symmetry breaking, period-tupling and touch-and-go bifurcations of symmetric periodic orbits for reversible maps. The framework is then adopted to Poincaré maps in reversible autonomous Hamiltonian systems.
In order to justify the applicability of the method, we study bifurcations of halo orbits in the Circular Restricted Three Body Problem. We give a computer-assisted proof of the existence of wide branches of halo orbits bifurcating from \(L_{1,2,3}\)-Lyapunov families and for wide range of mass parameter. For two physically relevant mass parameters we prove, that halo orbits undergo multiple period doubling, quadrupling and third-order touch-and-go bifurcations.


65P30 Numerical bifurcation problems
65G20 Algorithms with automatic result verification
37M20 Computational methods for bifurcation problems in dynamical systems
37C27 Periodic orbits of vector fields and flows
70F07 Three-body problems
70M20 Orbital mechanics


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