
Infinite energy solutions for weakly damped quintic wave equations in \(\mathbb{R}^3\). (English) Zbl 1460.35040

Summary: The paper gives a comprehensive study of infinite-energy solutions and their long-time behavior for semi-linear weakly damped wave equations in \(\mathbb{R}^3\) with quintic nonlinearities. This study includes global well-posedness of the so-called Shatah-Struwe solutions, their dissipativity, the existence of a locally compact global attractors (in the uniformly local phase spaces) and their extra regularity.


35B40 Asymptotic behavior of solutions to PDEs
35B41 Attractors
35B45 A priori estimates in context of PDEs
35L71 Second-order semilinear hyperbolic equations
35L15 Initial value problems for second-order hyperbolic equations


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