
Large deviations and optimal control forces for hard particles in one dimension. (English) Zbl 1459.82172

Summary: We analyse large deviations of the dynamical activity in one-dimensional systems of diffusing hard particles. Using an optimal-control representation of the large-deviation problem, we analyse effective interaction forces which can be added to the system, to aid sampling of biased ensembles of trajectories. We find several distinct regimes, as a function of the activity and the system size: we present approximate analytical calculations that characterise the effective interactions in several of these regimes. For high activity the system is hyperuniform and the interactions are long-ranged and repulsive. For low activity, there is a near-equilibrium regime described by macroscopic fluctuation theory, characterised by long-ranged attractive forces. There is also a far-from-equilibrium regime in which one of the interparticle gaps becomes macroscopic and the interactions depend strongly on the size of this gap. We discuss the extent to which transition path sampling of these ensembles is improved by adding suitable control forces.


82C22 Interacting particle systems in time-dependent statistical mechanics
49N90 Applications of optimal control and differential games
82M31 Monte Carlo methods applied to problems in statistical mechanics




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