
Freak chimera states in a locally coupled Duffing oscillators chain. (English) Zbl 1455.34031

This paper considers a chain of periodically forced Duffing oscillators, diffusively coupled to their two nearest neighbours. Parameters are set so that an uncoupled oscillator is in a bistable state. There may exist states for which a group of oscillators are near one of the uncoupled attractors, behaving approximately periodically, while the rest are near the other uncoupled attractor, which has more complex behaviour. Such a state is referred to as a “chimera”. If one group is near an attractor and behaving in a complex way, and the other group is near the other attractor, also behaving in a complex way, this is referred to as a “freak chimera”. Transitions from a chimera to a freak chimera are numerically investigated as the amplitude of forcing and strength of coupling are varied.


34C15 Nonlinear oscillations and coupled oscillators for ordinary differential equations
34D05 Asymptotic properties of solutions to ordinary differential equations
37C60 Nonautonomous smooth dynamical systems
34D45 Attractors of solutions to ordinary differential equations
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