
Quivers for 3-manifolds: the correspondence, BPS states, and 3d \(\mathcal{N} = 2\) theories. (English) Zbl 1454.83139

Summary: We introduce and explore the relation between quivers and 3-manifolds with the topology of the knot complement. This idea can be viewed as an adaptation of the knots-quivers correspondence to Gukov-Manolescu invariants of knot complements (also known as \(F_K\) or \(\hat{Z} )\). Apart from assigning quivers to complements of \(T^{(2,2p+1)}\) torus knots, we study the physical interpretation in terms of the BPS spectrum and general structure of 3d \(\mathcal{N} = 2\) theories associated to both sides of the correspondence. We also make a step towards categorification by proposing a \(t\)-deformation of all objects mentioned above.


83E30 String and superstring theories in gravitational theory
58J28 Eta-invariants, Chern-Simons invariants
81R50 Quantum groups and related algebraic methods applied to problems in quantum theory


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