
Spiral wave patterns in a two-dimensional lattice of nonlocally coupled maps modeling neural activity. (English) Zbl 1448.39030

Summary: We investigate numerically the spatio-temporal dynamics of a 2D lattice of coupled discrete-time systems with nonlocal interaction. The individual map is given by a universal discrete system (the Nekorkin map) proposed for modeling the neural activity. The network behavior is studied for periodic and open boundary conditions. It is shown that for certain values of the nonlinear coupling parameters, rotating spiral waves and spiral wave chimeras can be observed in the considered lattice. We analyze and compare statistical and dynamical characteristics of the local oscillators from coherence and incoherence clusters of a spiral wave chimera.


39A33 Chaotic behavior of solutions of difference equations
39A12 Discrete version of topics in analysis
34A33 Ordinary lattice differential equations
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