
Normality of algebras over commutative rings and the Teichmüller class. I: The absolute case. (English) Zbl 1439.13025

Let \(S\) be a commutative ring with a unit, \(U(S)\) the group of invertible elements of \(S\), \(Q\) a (possibly, infinite) group and \(k _ {Q} : Q \to \mathrm{Aut}(S)\) an action of \(Q\) on \(S\) (not necessarily injective) by ring automorphisms. Suppose that \(A\) is a central \(S\)-algebra, denote by Inn\((A)\) the group of its inner automorphism, and let Out\((A) = \mathrm{Aut}(A)/\mathrm{Inn}(A)\) be the group of outer automorphisms of \(A\). By a normal\(Q\)-algebra, we mean a pair \((A, \sigma )\), where \(\sigma \) is a homomorphism of \(Q\) into Out\((A)\) that lifts the action \(k _ Q\) of \(Q\) on \(A\) in the sense that the composite of \(\sigma \) with the obvious map Out\((A) \to\mathrm{Aut}(S)\) coincides with \(k _ Q\). When \(S\) is a field, \(A\) is finite-dimensional and simple, and \(Q\) is a finite subgroup of Aut\((S)\), the property of being \(Q\)-normal means that each member of \(Q\) can be extended to an automorphism of \(A\); this is the same as \(Q\)-normality in the sense of S. Eilenberg and S. MacLane [Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 64, 1–20 (1948; Zbl 0031.34301)], since the restriction mapping Out\((A) \to \mathrm{Aut}(S)\) is injective, by the Skolem-Noether theorem. This special case has been studied by O. Teichmüller [Deutsche Math. 5, 138–149 (1940; Zbl 0023.19805)]; following him, one can associate with any \(Q\)-normal central simple \(S\)-algebra a \(3\)-cocycle of \(Q\) with values in \(U(S)\), considering \(S\) to be a \(Q\)-module with respect to the structure coming from the action of \(Q\) on \(S\).
The paper under review presents the first part of a research extending the results of Teichmüller, Eilenberg-MacLane, and others, to the general case of a commutative unitary ring \(S\) and an action \(k _ Q: Q \to \mathrm{Aut}(S)\) of \(Q\) on \(S\) by ring automorphisms (for the 2nd and 3rd part of this research, see [th author, J. Homotopy Relat. Struct. 13, No. 1, 71–125 (2018; Zbl 1439.13026); ibid. 13, No. 1, 127–142 (2018; Zbl 1428.13011)]). As a first step, the author associates with any \(Q\)-normal \(S\)-algebra \((A, \sigma )\) a crossed \(2\)-fold extension \(e _ {(A, \sigma )}\) (called the Teichmüller complex of \((A, \sigma )\)) starting at \(U(S)\) and ending at \(Q\); this complex, in turn, represents a class, the Teichmüller class, in the 3rd cohomology group \(H^3(Q, U(S))\) of \(Q\) with coefficients in \(U(S)\). Exploiting the description of the Teichmüller class in terms of the Teichmüller complex, he shows how the classical results related to the Teichmüller cocycle for finite-dimensional normal central simple algebras extend to general \(Q\)-normal algebras. Two of the main results of the paper give necessary and sufficient conditions for a \(Q\)-normal \(S\)-algebra \((A, \sigma )\) to have a zero Teichmüller class. When \(S/R\) is a Galois extension of commutative rings with Galois group \(Q\), where \(R = S^Q\), they show that a central \(S\)-algebra \(A\) with a \(Q\)-normal structure \(\sigma \) has a zero Teichmüller class if and only if \(A\) admits an embedding into a central \(R\)-algebra \(C\) so that (i) the centralizer of \(S\) in \(C\) equals \(A\), and (ii) each automorphism \(k _ Q(q)\) of \(S\), as \(q\) ranges over \(Q\), extends to an inner automorphism \(\alpha \) of \(C\) which (in view of (i)) maps \(A\) to itself in such a way that the class of \(\alpha \vert A\) in Out\((A)\) coincides with \(\sigma (q)\); moreover, if \(A\) is an Azumaya \(S\)-algebra, then \(C\) may be taken to be an Azumaya \(R\)-algebra. The results of the reviewed paper also concern the following major topics: normal algebras and their Teichmüller complexes; crossed products with normal algebras (two constructions and a proof of their equivalence); induced normal and equivariant structures; crossed Brauer group, generalized crossed Brauer group and Picard group; the equivariant Brauer group; the seven term exact sequence. The bibliography of the paper contains 47 items.


13B05 Galois theory and commutative ring extensions
12G05 Galois cohomology
16H05 Separable algebras (e.g., quaternion algebras, Azumaya algebras, etc.)
16K50 Brauer groups (algebraic aspects)
16S35 Twisted and skew group rings, crossed products
20J06 Cohomology of groups
Full Text: DOI


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