
Rendering deformed speckle images with a Boolean model. (English) Zbl 1437.94028

Summary: Rendering speckle images affected by a given deformation field is of primary importance to assess the metrological performance of displacement measurement methods used in experimental mechanics and based on digital image correlation (DIC). This article describes how to render deformed speckle images with a classic model of stochastic geometry, the Boolean model. The advantage of the proposed approach is that it does not depend on any interpolation scheme likely to bias the assessment process, and that it allows the user to render speckle images deformed with any deformation field given by an analytic formula. The proposed algorithm mimics the imaging chain of a digital camera, and its parameters are carefully discussed. A MATLAB software implementation and synthetic ground-truth datasets for assessing DIC software programs are publicly available.


94A08 Image processing (compression, reconstruction, etc.) in information and communication theory
62H35 Image analysis in multivariate analysis


Matlab; ASIFT


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