
New doubly-anomalous Parrondo’s games suggest emergent sustainability and inequality. (English) Zbl 1437.92153

Summary: Parrondo’s games to date have largely focused on the dynamics of capital mean, and not capital spread – the potential of the framework in modelling ecological and socioeconomic sustainability and inequality has thus been ignored. Based on behavioural heuristics of distinct individualistic and multipartite interactive strategies, we introduce a novel multi-agent Parrondo game structure with dynamics dependent upon local inequality. Intriguingly, we observe the presence of doubly-anomalous scenarios, in which there is paradoxical population growth despite both pure strategies being losing, simultaneously accompanied by a suppression of inter-population capital variance to within constant bounds. Ecologically, this reflects sustainable population proliferation amidst disadvantageous conditions; the converse scenario in turn corresponds to inequality-plagued unsustainable growth. Different connectivity topologies, such as scale-free and random networks, are also investigated.


92D40 Ecology
92D25 Population dynamics (general)
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