
\(\mathrm{AdS}_5\) black hole entropy near the BPS limit. (English) Zbl 1437.83064

Summary: We analyze \(\mathrm{AdS}_5\) black holes that are nearly supersymmetric. They depart from the BPS limit in two distinct ways: a temperature takes them above extremality and a potential maintains extremality but violates a certain constraint. We study the thermodynamics of these deformations and their interplay in detail. We discuss recent microscopic computations of BPS black hole entropy in \(\mathcal{N} = 4\) SYM and generalize the arguments to the nearBPS regime by relaxing constraints imposed by supersymmetry. Our methods recover gravitational results from microscopic theory also for nearBPS black holes.


83C57 Black holes
83E30 String and superstring theories in gravitational theory
81P17 Quantum entropies
70S15 Yang-Mills and other gauge theories in mechanics of particles and systems
81T60 Supersymmetric field theories in quantum mechanics


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