
An introduction to compressible flows with applications. Quasi-one-dimensional approximation and general formulation for subsonic, transonic and supersonic flows. (English) Zbl 1435.76003

SpringerBriefs in Mathematics. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-33252-5/pbk; 978-3-030-33253-2/ebook). ix, 129 p. (2019).
The book under review is suitable for advanced undergraduate students or beginning graduate students, and also researchers in academia and in industry.
The chapters are as follow: Compressible potential flows, One-dimensional compressible flows, Oblique shocks, Uniform flows with small perturbations, The basic equations of compressible fluid flow. The text is clear and easily readable. At the end of each chapter, some problems are proposed to further develop theoretical and computational aspects of compressible flows in view of practical applications.
Dealing with such applications as the flows in ducts, the transport and distribution of pressurized gases etc., the authors opted to develop rigorously the material not in the standard form found in mathematical books, but also by deriving and simplifying the classical governing equations.
The list of references contains 15 titles of major importance for the subject. I recommend this book to all the people interested in this field.


76-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to fluid mechanics
76G25 General aerodynamics and subsonic flows
76J20 Supersonic flows
76H05 Transonic flows
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