
A new foundation for finitary corecursion and iterative algebras. (English) Zbl 1435.68208

Summary: This paper contributes to a generic theory of behaviour of “finite-state” systems. Systems are coalgebras with a finitely generated carrier for an endofunctor on a locally finitely presentable category. Their behaviour gives rise to the locally finite fixpoint (LFF), a new fixpoint of the endofunctor. The LFF exists provided that the endofunctor is finitary and preserves monomorphisms, is a subcoalgebra of the final coalgebra, i.e. it is fully abstract w.r.t. behavioural equivalence, and it is characterized by two universal properties: as the final locally finitely generated coalgebra, and as the initial fg-iterative algebra. Instances of the LFF are: regular languages, rational streams, rational formal power-series, regular trees etc. Moreover, we obtain e.g. (realtime deterministic resp. non-deterministic) context-free languages, constructively \(S\)-algebraic formal power-series (in general, the behaviour of finite coalgebras under the coalgebraic language semantics arising from the generalized powerset construction by A. Silva et al. [Log. Methods Comput. Sci. 9, No. 1, Paper No. 9, 23 p. (2013; Zbl 1262.18002)]), and the monad of Courcelle’s algebraic trees.


68Q70 Algebraic theory of languages and automata
18B20 Categories of machines, automata


Zbl 1262.18002


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