
A framework for parallel and distributed training of neural networks. (English) Zbl 1434.68523

Summary: The aim of this paper is to develop a general framework for training neural networks (NNs) in a distributed environment, where training data is partitioned over a set of agents that communicate with each other through a sparse, possibly time-varying, connectivity pattern. In such distributed scenario, the training problem can be formulated as the (regularized) optimization of a non-convex social cost function, given by the sum of local (non-convex) costs, where each agent contributes with a single error term defined with respect to its local dataset. To devise a flexible and efficient solution, we customize a recently proposed framework for non-convex optimization over networks, which hinges on a (primal) convexification-decomposition technique to handle non-convexity, and a dynamic consensus procedure to diffuse information among the agents. Several typical choices for the training criterion (e.g., squared loss, cross entropy, etc.) and regularization (e.g., \(\ell_2\) norm, sparsity inducing penalties, etc.) are included in the framework and explored along the paper. Convergence to a stationary solution of the social non-convex problem is guaranteed under mild assumptions. Additionally, we show a principled way allowing each agent to exploit a possible multi-core architecture (e.g., a local cloud) in order to parallelize its local optimization step, resulting in strategies that are both distributed (across the agents) and parallel (inside each agent) in nature. A comprehensive set of experimental results validate the proposed approach.


68T07 Artificial neural networks and deep learning
68W15 Distributed algorithms
90C26 Nonconvex programming, global optimization


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