
A fibrational framework for substructural and modal logics. (English) Zbl 1434.03040

Miller, Dale (ed.), 2nd international conference on formal structures for computation and deduction. FSCD 2017, Oxford, UK, September 3–9, 2017. Proceedings. Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Zentrum für Informatik. LIPIcs – Leibniz Int. Proc. Inform. 84, Article 25, 22 p. (2017).
Summary: We define a general framework that abstracts the common features of many intuitionistic substructural and modal logics/type theories. The framework is a sequent calculus/normal-form type theory parametrized by a mode theory, which is used to describe the structure of contexts and the structural properties they obey. In this sequent calculus, the context itself obeys standard structural properties, while a term, drawn from the mode theory, constrains how the context can be used. Product types, implications, and modalities are defined as instances of two general connectives, one positive and one negative, that manipulate these terms. Specific mode theories can express a range of substructural and modal connectives, including non-associative, ordered, linear, affine, relevant, and cartesian products and implications; monoidal and non-monoidal functors, (co)monads and adjunctions; \(n\)-linear variables; and bunched implications. We prove cut (and identity) admissibility independently of the mode theory, obtaining it for many different logics at once. Further, we give a general equational theory on derivations/terms that, in addition to the usual \(\beta\eta\)-rules, characterizes when two derivations differ only by the placement of structural rules. Additionally, we give an equivalent semantic presentation of these ideas, in which a mode theory corresponds to a 2-dimensional cartesian multicategory, the framework corresponds to another such multicategory with a functor to the mode theory, and the logical connectives make this into a bifibration. Finally, we show how the framework can be used both to encode existing existing logics/type theories and to design new ones.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1372.68017].


03B38 Type theory
03B45 Modal logic (including the logic of norms)
03B47 Substructural logics (including relevance, entailment, linear logic, Lambek calculus, BCK and BCI logics)
03F05 Cut-elimination and normal-form theorems
03G30 Categorical logic, topoi
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[28] :21 that {\it π}({\it e}) = {\it β }and {\it e}[FR∗{\it /x}0] ≡ {\it d}. We take as our {\it e }the derivation split ∆ = {\it x}0 in {\it d}. This lies over {\it β}, and we calculate {\it e}[FR∗{\it /x}0] = (split ∆ = {\it x}0 in {\it d})[1{\it α}∗({\it x/x}){\it /x}0] ≡ (1{\it β}[1{\it α}{\it /x}0])∗({\it d}[ {\it  }{\it x/x}]) ≡ (1{\it β}[{\it α/x}0])∗({\it d}) ≡ {\it d} by the {\it β}-law for F and unit laws. It remains to show uniqueness. Suppose we have some derivation {\it e}0 such that {\it π}({\it e}0) = {\it β }and {\it e}0[FR∗{\it /x}0] ≡ {\it d}. By the {\it η}-law for F, we have {\it e}0≡ split ∆ = {\it x}0 in {\it e}0[FR∗{\it /x}0] ≡ split ∆ = {\it x}0 in {\it d }= {\it e} as required. We now turn to the pullback property for morphisms. Let {\it β, β}0∈ M({\it π}Γ{\it , q, π}Γ0; {\it πC}) and let {\it s }:: {\it β }⇒ {\it β}0 be a morphism. Further suppose that we have derivations {\it d }:: Γ{\it , }∆{\it , }Γ0‘{\it β}[{\it α/x} 0] {\it C }and {\it d}0:: Γ{\it , }∆{\it , }Γ0‘{\it β}0[{\it α/x}0]{\it C }such that ({\it s}[1{\it α}{\it /x}0])∗({\it d}0) ≡ {\it d}. This describes a morphism {\it T }: {\it d }⇒ {\it d}0 in D(Γ{\it , }F{\it α}(∆){\it , }Γ0; {\it C}) that lies over {\it s}[1{\it α}{\it /x}0]. This latter transformation is the result of applying the functor −[{\it α/x}0] to {\it s}. We now must find a morphism {\it S }in D(Γ{\it , }∆{\it , }Γ0; {\it C}) that lies over {\it s}, and such that the ∗ functor −[FR{\it /x}0] applied to the morphism {\it S }yields {\it T }. We know that for {\it S }to lie over {\it s}, its underlying structural transformation must be {\it s}. The action of −[FR∗{\it /x}0] on {\it S }then takes {\it s} to {\it s}[1{\it α}{\it /x}0] as expected. By the previous argument for objects, we know that {\it S }must have domain split ∆ = {\it x}0 in {\it d} and codomain split ∆ = {\it x}0 in {\it d}0. We can verify that choosing the underlying transformation {\it s }gives a well-defined 2-morphism {\it S }: (split ∆ = {\it x}0 in {\it d}) ⇒ (split ∆ = {\it x}0 in {\it d}0): {\it s}∗(split ∆ = {\it x}0 in {\it d}0) ≡ split ∆ = {\it x}0 in {\it s}∗(split ∆ = {\it x}0 in {\it d}0)[FR∗{\it /x}0] ≡ split ∆ = {\it x}0 in {\it s}∗(split ∆ = {\it x}0 in {\it d}0)[(1{\it α})∗(FR∗){\it /x}0] ≡ split ∆ = {\it x}0 in ({\it s}[1{\it α}{\it /x}0])∗(split ∆ = {\it x}0 in {\it d}0[FR∗{\it /x}0]) ≡ split ∆ = {\it x}0 in ({\it s}[1{\it α}{\it /x}0])∗({\it d}0) ≡ split ∆ = {\it x}0 in {\it d} where we have used the {\it η}-law followed by the {\it β}-law. We conclude that all squares of the given form are pullback squares, and so every {\it α }has an opcartesian lift. Therefore {\it π }is an opfibration. The proof that {\it π }is also a fibration is very similar, using U types instead of F types.J
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