
Counting solutions to polynomial systems via reductions. (English) Zbl 1433.68161

Seidel, Raimund (ed.), 1st symposium on simplicity in algorithms. SOSA 2018, January 7–10, 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA. Co-located with the 29th ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms (SODA 2018). Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Zentrum für Informatik. OASIcs – OpenAccess Ser. Inform. 61, Article 6, 15 p. (2018).
Summary: This paper provides both positive and negative results for counting solutions to systems of polynomial equations over a finite field. The general idea is to try to reduce the problem to counting solutions to a single polynomial, where the task is easier. In both cases, simple methods are utilized that we expect will have wider applicability (far beyond algebra).
First, we give an efficient deterministic reduction from approximate counting for a system of (arbitrary) polynomial equations to approximate counting for one equation, over any finite field. We apply this reduction to give a deterministic poly\((n,s,\log p)/\epsilon^2\) time algorithm for approximately counting the fraction of solutions to a system of \(s\) quadratic \(n\)-variate polynomials over \(\mathbb F_p\) (the finite field of prime order \(p\)) to within an additive eps factor, for any prime \(p\). Note that uniform random sampling would already require \(\Omega(s/\epsilon^2)\) time, so our algorithm behaves as a full derandomization of uniform sampling. The approximate-counting algorithm yields efficient approximate counting for other well-known problems, such as 2-SAT, NAE-3SAT, and 3-coloring. As a corollary, there is a deterministic algorithm (with analogous running time) for producing solutions to such systems which have at least eps \(p^n\) solutions. Second, we consider the difficulty of exactly counting solutions to a single polynomial of constant degree, over a finite field. (Note that finding a solution in this case is easy.) It has been known for over 20 years that this counting problem is already NP-hard for degree-three polynomials over \(\mathbb F_2\); however, all known reductions increased the number of variables by a considerable amount. We give a subexponential-time reduction from counting solutions to \(k\)-CNF formulas to counting solutions to a degree-\(k^{O(k)}\) polynomial (over any finite field of \(O(1)\) order) which exactly preserves the number of variables. As a corollary, the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (even its weak counting variant #SETH) implies that counting solutions to constant-degree polynomials (even over \(\mathbb F_2\)) requires essentially \(2^n\) time. Similar results hold for counting orthogonal pairs of vectors over \(\mathbb F_p\).
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1387.68030].


68Q17 Computational difficulty of problems (lower bounds, completeness, difficulty of approximation, etc.)
11T06 Polynomials over finite fields
13P15 Solving polynomial systems; resultants
68Q25 Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity
68W20 Randomized algorithms
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