
Lyapunov spectrum of Markov and Euclid trees. (English) Zbl 1432.11071

Summary: We study the Lyapunov exponents \(\Lambda(x)\) for Markov dynamics as a function of path determined by \(x\in \mathbb{RP}^1\) on a binary planar tree, describing the Markov triples and their ‘tropical’ version-Euclid triples. We show that the corresponding Lyapunov spectrum is \([0, \ln \varphi]\), where \(\varphi\) is the golden ratio, and prove that on the Markov-Hurwitz set \(\mathbb{X}\) of the most irrational numbers the corresponding function \(\Lambda_{\mathbb{X}}\) is monotonically increasing and in the Farey parametrization is convex.


11J06 Markov and Lagrange spectra and generalizations
37D25 Nonuniformly hyperbolic systems (Lyapunov exponents, Pesin theory, etc.)
37E25 Dynamical systems involving maps of trees and graphs


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