
Bayesian personalized treatment selection strategies that integrate predictive with prognostic determinants. (English) Zbl 1429.62569

Summary: The evolution of “informatics” technologies has the potential to generate massive databases, but the extent to which personalized medicine may be effectuated depends on the extent to which these rich databases may be utilized to advance understanding of the disease molecular profiles and ultimately integrated for treatment selection, necessitating robust methodology for dimension reduction. Yet, statistical methods proposed to address challenges arising with the high-dimensionality of omics-type data predominately rely on linear models and emphasize associations deriving from prognostic biomarkers. Existing methods are often limited for discovering predictive biomarkers that interact with treatment and fail to elucidate the predictive power of their resultant selection rules. In this article, we present a Bayesian predictive method for personalized treatment selection that is devised to integrate both the treatment predictive and disease prognostic characteristics of a particular patient’s disease. The method appropriately characterizes the structural constraints inherent to prognostic and predictive biomarkers, and hence properly utilizes these complementary sources of information for treatment selection. The methodology is illustrated through a case study of lower grade glioma. Theoretical considerations are explored to demonstrate the manner in which treatment selection is impacted by prognostic features. Additionally, simulations based on an actual leukemia study are provided to ascertain the method’s performance with respect to selection rules derived from competing methods.


62P10 Applications of statistics to biology and medical sciences; meta analysis


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