
Unpaired low-dose CT denoising network based on cycle-consistent generative adversarial network with prior image information. (English) Zbl 1428.92063

Summary: The widespread application of X-ray computed tomography (CT) in clinical diagnosis has led to increasing public concern regarding excessive radiation dose administered to patients. However, reducing the radiation dose will inevitably cause server noise and affect radiologists’ judgment and confidence. Hence, progressive low-dose CT (LDCT) image reconstruction methods must be developed to improve image quality. Over the past two years, deep learning-based approaches have shown impressive performance in noise reduction for LDCT images. Most existing deep learning-based approaches usually require the paired training dataset which the LDCT images correspond to the normal-dose CT (NDCT) images one-to-one, but the acquisition of well-paired datasets requires multiple scans, resulting the increase of radiation dose. Therefore, well-paired datasets are not readily available. To resolve this problem, this paper proposes an unpaired LDCT image denoising network based on cycle generative adversarial networks (CycleGAN) with prior image information which does not require a one-to-one training dataset. In this method, cyclic loss, an important trick in unpaired image-to-image translation, promises to map the distribution from LDCT to NDCT by using unpaired training data. Furthermore, to guarantee the accurate correspondence of the image content between the output and NDCT, the prior information obtained from the result preprocessed using the LDCT image is integrated into the network to supervise the generation of content. Given the map of distribution through the cyclic loss and the supervision of content through the prior image loss, our proposed method can not only reduce the image noise but also retain critical information. Real-data experiments were carried out to test the performance of the proposed method. The peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) improves by more than 3 dB, and the structural similarity (SSIM) increases when compared with the original CycleGAN without prior information. The real LDCT data experiment demonstrates the superiority of the proposed method according to both visual inspection and quantitative evaluation.


92C55 Biomedical imaging and signal processing
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