
Hardy inequalities on homogeneous groups. 100 years of Hardy inequalities. (English) Zbl 1428.22011

Progress in Mathematics 327. Cham: Birkhäuser (ISBN 978-3-030-02894-7/hbk; 978-3-030-02895-4/ebook). xvi, 571 p., open access (2019).
This book is devoted to Hardy inequalities and similar inequalities, Rellich, Sobolev, Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities on homogeneous Lie groups. The foundations for analysis on this type of groups were laid down by G. B. Folland and E. M. Stein in their seminal book [Hardy spaces on homogeneous groups. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press (1982; Zbl 0508.42025)]. Since then different aspects of analysis on homogeneous groups were studied. The theory is strictly connected to the analysis of subelliptic and hypoelliptic partial differential operators. All the inequalities mentioned above are of fundamental importance for partial differential equations. Ruzhansky’s and Sugaran’s monograph is the first one that collects the results concerning the different types of Hardy inequalities and similar inequalities on homogeneous groups.
The authors tried to write a self-contained book, therefore the first chapter is an introduction to the theory on homogeneous groups and the corresponding non-commutative harmonic analysis. The sixty pages chapter is not a comprehensive treatise but it is an exhaustive description of the tools used in the rest of the book. The definitions and basic facts about homogeneous groups, stratified groups, Heisenberg groups and H-type groups are recalled. In particular, the notions of homogeneous quasi-norms, polar coordinates, radial derivatives \(\mathcal{R}\), Euler operators \(\mathbb{E}\) and sub-Laplacians \(\mathcal{L}\) are introduced.
The second chapter is devoted to Hardy inequalities on homogeneous groups \(\mathbb{G}\) with homogeneous dimension \(Q\) and homogeneous quasi-norm \(|\cdot |\). One can find here exhaustive descriptions of different types and aspects of the inequalities. The basic one looks as follows: \[\|\frac{f}{|x|}\|_{L^p(\mathbb{G})}\le \frac{p}{Q-p}\|\mathcal{R}f\|_{L^p(\mathbb{G})}, \qquad f\in C^\infty_o(\mathbb{G}\setminus\{0\}),\quad 1<p< Q. \] But apart from the above inequality the following subjects are considered: weighted Hardy inequalities (both with weights \(\frac{1}{|x|^\alpha}\) and \(\frac{(a+b|x|\alpha)^\frac{\beta}{p}}{|x|^m})\)), higher order Hardy inequalities, two-weighted Hardy inequalities and critical Hardy inequalities. Moreover, the authors discuss here improved Hardy inequalities on a quasi-ball, remainder estimates and stability of the Hardy inequality both critical and subcritical.
In the next section, Rellich-, Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg- and Sobolev-type inequalities are studied. The basic versions of the inequalities look as follows. Let \(f\in C^\infty_o(\mathbb{G}\setminus\{0\})\). Then for \(1<p< Q\) we have \[ \frac{|Q+p'\alpha|}{p'} \|\frac{f}{|x|^{\alpha+1}}\|_{L^p(\mathbb{G})}\le\|\frac{1}{|x|^alpha}(\mathcal{R}f + \frac{Q-1}{|x|})\|_{L^p(\mathbb{G})}, \qquad \alpha \in \mathbb{R},\] (Rellich-type inequality) and \[ \|\frac{f}{|x|^{\alpha+1}}\|_{L^p(\mathbb{G})}\le \frac{p}{Q}\|\mathbb{E}f\|_{L^p(\mathbb{G})}, \qquad 1<p<\infty,\] (Sobolev-type inequality. Moreover, if \(\alpha,\beta\in \mathbb{R}\), \(Q\ge 2\) and \(\gamma=\alpha+\beta+1\) then the following inequality of Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg-type holds \[ \frac{|Q-\gamma|}{p} \|\frac{f}{|x|^\frac{\gamma}{p}}\|_{L^p(\mathbb{G})}\le\|\frac{1}{|x|^\alpha}(\mathcal{R}f \|_{L^p(\mathbb{G})} \|\frac{f}{|x|^\frac{\beta}{p-1}} \|_{L^p(\mathbb{G})}, \qquad 1<p<\infty.\] Also in this chapter higher order inequalities and weighted inequalities are discussed. Moreover, the authors consider the optimality of the constants, stability problems and remainder estimates. The range of parameters in the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg-type inequality is extended. Moreover, a new type of the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequality with the additional \(\log |x|\) term under the first norm on the left hand side is proved.
In Chapter 4, results concerning the fractional form of the Hardy-type inequalities, Sobolev-type inequalities, Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg-type and Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities are presented. Now the Gagliardo seminorm \[ [f]_{s,p, |\cdot|}:= \Big( \int_\mathbb{G}\int_\mathbb{G}\frac{|f(x)-f(y)|^p}{|y^{-1}x|^{Q+sp}}dxdy\Big)^{1/p}, \qquad s\in (0,1)\] is used on the left hand side of the inequalities. In this chapter, also the Lyapunov inequalities for the fractional \(p\)-sub-Laplacian \((-\Delta_p)^s\) and the Riesz potentials are studied. The last subsection is devoted to Hardy- and Landau-Kolmogorov-type inequalities for fractional powers of sub-Laplacians on stratified Lie groups.
The integral form of the Hardy inequalities on homogeneous groups is discussed in Chapter 5. Necessary and sufficient conditions on the weights for these inequalities are derived. The convolution form of the inequalities is also considered. Some other integral inequalities are proved. In particular, the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequalities \[ \left|\int_{\mathbb{G}}\int_{\mathbb{G}} \frac{\overline{f(x)}g(y)}{|x|^\alpha|y|^{-1}x|^\lambda}\right| dx dy \le \|f\|_{L^p(\mathbb{G})}\|g\|_{L^q(\mathbb{G})},\qquad \frac{1}{p}+\frac{1}{q}+\frac{\alpha+\lambda}{Q}=2 \] with \(0<\lambda<Q\), \(1<p,q<\infty\) \()\le \alpha< Q(1-\frac{1}{p}\), \(\alpha+\lambda\le Q\), are proved. Moreover, the differential Stein-Weiss inequality and the maximal weighted integral Hardy inequality are discussed.
Chapters 6, 7 and 8 are devoted to the analysis on stratified groups. The stratification allows to use the horizontal gradient, sub-Laplacian and three different distances that can be used in the estimates: the homogeneous semi-norm, the Carnot-Carathéodory distance, the Euclidean distance to the first stratum. In Chapter 6, the authors concentrate on the last choice of the metric. The horizontal versions of the Hardy, Rellich, Sobolev and Caffarelli-Hohn-Nirenberg inequalities are taken into account. The consideration is wide and deep so one can find here the first order inequalities and the higher order inequalities, sub-critical and critical inequalities, unweighted and weighted inequalities, isotropic and anisotropic inequalities. Moreover, the embedding theorems for horizontal Sobolev spaces are presented here as well as the inequalities for the \(p\)-sub-Laplacian and for sub-Laplacian with drift.
On the other hand Chapter 7 is devoted to study estimates with \(\mathcal{L}\)-gauge weights. The \(\mathcal{L}\)-gauge is a homogeneous quasi-norm arising from the fundamental solution of the sub-Laplacian \(\mathcal{L}\). Once more all the above inequalities are investigated. Moreover, one can find here some extensions, e.g. Hardy inequalities for Baouendi-Grushin operators and weighted inequalities with boundary terms. At the end of Chapter 8, the ‘geometric’ Hardy inequalities on stratified groups are presented. These are inequalities where the weight is given in terms of the distance to the boundary of the domain. \(L^p\)-Hardy inequalities on half-spaces and on convex domains in stratified groups are proved in this part of the book.
The Hardy inequalities are related to the corresponding uncertainty principles. So, the uncertainty principles are mentioned in different places of the book. In particular, in Chapter 9, main operators of quantum mechanics and the relation between them on homogeneous groups are discussed. The position-momentum relations, Euler-Coulomb relations and Heisenberg-Pauli-Weyl uncertainty principles in the context of homogeneous groups are presented here.
In Chapter 10, several function spaces on homogeneous groups are described. The analysis of function spaces on these groups goes back to Folland’s and Stein’s book from 1982 where Hardy spaces where introduced. Here, the authors define and analyse properties of Morrey-Campanato spaces, also their generalized version, the Sobolev spaces related to the Euler operator, Sobolev-Lorentz-Zygmund spaces and Besov-type spaces.
In Chapter 11, the authors return to the analysis on the stratified groups. Now they develop the potential theory and the boundary layer operators in this setting. The main tools for this analysis are the fundamental solutions for the sub-Laplacian and the corresponding Green’s identities. Such approach leads to the assumption \(Q\ge 3\). First, the classical boundary value problems, the Dirichlet problem, the Neumann problem and the Robin problem for the sub-Laplacian are described. Afterwards the single and double layer potentials, traces and Kac’s problem for the sub-Laplacian are presented. Moreover, the Hardy inequalities with boundary terms and Green functions on \(H\)-type groups are discussed. The last section of this chapter is devoted to \(p\)-sub-Laplacian Picone’s inequality.
One can use the results proved for homogeneous groups to analyse some setting without the group structure. This is done in the last chapter. On a smooth manifold \(M\) the operator \(\mathcal{L}\) given as a sum of squares of vector fields \(\sum_{k=1}^N X_k^2\) is considered. By the famous Hörmander theorem the operator is hypoelliptic if the vector fields generate the tangent space at each point. The main assumptions on the operator \(\mathcal{L}\) used by the authors is that it has a local fundamental solution. Local versions of the Hardy inequality including boundary terms are described. The corresponding weights are formulated in terms of the fundamental solutions. The anisotropic local Hardy inequalities are also proved. As usual Hardy inequalities imply uncertainty principles. Analogously local Rellich inequalities for sums of squares are proved.
The book is a well written exhaustive monograph of the subject. It contains also a rich bibliography.


22E30 Analysis on real and complex Lie groups
22E60 Lie algebras of Lie groups
35A08 Fundamental solutions to PDEs
35H10 Hypoelliptic equations
43A80 Analysis on other specific Lie groups
46E35 Sobolev spaces and other spaces of “smooth” functions, embedding theorems, trace theorems
53C17 Sub-Riemannian geometry


Zbl 0508.42025
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