
Václav Hlavatý on intuition in Riemannian space. (English) Zbl 1428.01021

Authors’ abstract: We present a historical commentary together with an English translation of a mathematical-philosophical paper by the Czech differential geometer and later proponent of a geometrized unified field theory Václav Hlavatý (1894–1969). The paper was published in 1924 at the height of interpretational debates about recent advancements in differential geometry triggered by the advent of Einstein’s general theory of relativity. In the paper he argued against a naive generalization of analogical reasoning valid for curves and surfaces in three-dimensional Euclidean space to the case of higher-dimensional curved Riemannian spaces. Instead, he claimed, the only secure ground to arrive at results is analytical calculation. We briefly discuss the biographical circumstances of the composition of the paper and characterize its publication venue the journal Ruch filosofický. We also give a discussion of the mathematical background for Hlavatý’s argument.
Reviewer’s remarks: In the present paper, the main attention is given to the following items:
1. Scientific community in Prague in the early 1920s and Václav Hlavatý’s early career. In this section, a few biographical information about Hlavatý is provided and some attention is given to his personal situation when publishing his mathematical-philosophical paper “On intuition in Riemannian space” in the Czech philosophical journal Ruch filosofický, i.e., his cooperation with Czech and foreign scientists is described and some philosophical aspects of his research are noted.
2. The journal Ruch filosofický. Here, the development and state of philosophy of science in Czechoslovakia in 1918–1920 are considered. Also, reasons for founding the journal Ruch filosofický are noted.
3. Linguistic discussion. The relationships between some researches of the Czechoslovak scientists Hlavatý and Vorovka are described. A brief summary of Hlavatý’s article under consideration is given. In addition, some linguistic-philosophical comments on the title of the paper and the choice of terms for the article are discussed.
4. The argument of the paper. Section 5 is devoted to a more detailed consideration of Hlavatý’s article. Some overview to the mathematical argument laid out therein and an overview to the related researches of other scientists are given.
5. Concluding remarks. Here, the attention is given to analizing the fact that almost all of Hlavatý’s papers were published in mathematical journals but his paper “On intuition in Riemannian space” was published in the philosophical journal “Ruch filosofický”.
6. An English translation of Hlavatý’s paper by the authors is given in the appendix.


01A60 History of mathematics in the 20th century
00A30 Philosophy of mathematics
01A70 Biographies, obituaries, personalia, bibliographies
53-03 History of differential geometry

Biographic References:

Hlavatý, Václav; Vorovka, Karel
Full Text: DOI


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