
Endogenous formation of cooperation structure in TU games. (English) Zbl 1427.91019

Petrosyan, Leon A. (ed.) et al., Frontiers of dynamic games. Game theory and management, St. Petersburg, 2018. Selected talks presented at the 12th international conference “Game Theory and Management”, GTM2018, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 27–29, 2018. Cham: Birkhäuser. Static Dyn. Game Theory: Found. Appl., 49-64 (2019).
Summary: Our main goal is to provide comparative analysis of several procedures for endogenous dynamic formation of the cooperation structure in TU games. In the paper we consider two approaches to endogenous graph formation based on sequential link announcement and revision. For the evaluation of the pros and cons when adding of a new link is in question, along with the Myerson value we consider also the average tree solution and the centrality rewarding Shapley and Myerson values, recently introduced.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1425.91013].


91A12 Cooperative games
91A28 Signaling and communication in game theory
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