
Classification of \((1,2)\)-reflective anisotropic hyperbolic lattices of rank 4. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1427.11064

Izv. Math. 83, No. 1, 1-19 (2019); translation from Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Ser. Mat. 83, No. 1, 3-24 (2019).
A lattice \( L \) is called hyperbolic if the associated quadratic form has signature \( (n,1) \). Moreover, the number \( n+1 \) is called the rank of the lattice \( L \). Recall that a vector \( e\in L \) is called a root, if \( k=q(e,e) \) is a positive integer, \( 2q(e,x)\in k\mathbb{Z} \) for all \( x\in L \) (here \( q(\cdot , \cdot) \) denotes the bilinear form induced by the quadratic form) and \( e/m \not\in L \) for all integers \( m>1 \). Each root \( e\in L \) defines an orthogonal reflection \( x\mapsto x-\frac{2q(x,e)}{q(e,e)}e \) in the space \( L\otimes \mathbb{R} \).
Let \( O'(L\otimes \mathbb{R}) \) be the group of motions of the corresponding Lobachevsky space and let \( O(L) \) be the group of automorphisms of the lattice \( L \). Denote by \( O^{(1,2)}(L) \) the subgroup of \( O'(L) =O'(L\otimes \mathbb{R}) \cap O(L) \) generated by all reflections induced by roots \( e\in L \) such that \( q(e,e)\in \{1,2\} \). The lattice \( L \) is called \( (1,2) \)-reflective if \( O^{(1,2)}(L) \) has finite index in \( O'(L) \).
In this paper all \( (1,2) \)-reflective anisotropic hyperbolic lattices of rank \( 4 \) are classified. To obtain the classification, the author modifies the method developed by V. V. Nikulin [On the classification of hyperbolic root systems of rank three. Transl. from the Russian. Moscow: Maik Nauka/Interperiodica (2000; Zbl 1115.17302); Prob. Steklov Inst. Math. 165, 131–155 (1985; Zbl 0577.10019); translation from Tr. Mat. Inst. Steklova 165, 119–142 (1984)] by applying the existing and new results about the geometry of the fundamental polyhedron.


11H55 Quadratic forms (reduction theory, extreme forms, etc.)
11E12 Quadratic forms over global rings and fields
51F15 Reflection groups, reflection geometries
20F55 Reflection and Coxeter groups (group-theoretic aspects)


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