
On the computation of entropy prior complexity and marginal prior distribution for the Bernoulli model. (English) Zbl 1425.62104

Summary: As the size and complexity of models grow, the choice of the best model becomes a difficult and challenging task. Once the best model is specified, the goodness of fit of the model needs to be examined first. A highly complex model may provide a good fit, but giving no consideration to model complexity could result in incorrect estimates of parameter values and predictions. In order to improve the model selection process, model complexity needs to be defined clearly. This article studies different aspects of model complexity and discusses the extent to which they can be measured. The most common attribute that is usually ignored from many complexity measures is the parameter prior, which is an inherent part of the model and could impact the complexity significantly. The concept of parameter prior and its connection to model complexity are therefore discussed here, and some relationships to the entropy measure elements are also addressed.


62K15 Factorial statistical designs
62J12 Generalized linear models (logistic models)
62B10 Statistical aspects of information-theoretic topics
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