
Advanced finite element methods with applications. Selected papers from the 30th Chemnitz finite element symposium, St. Wolfgang/Strobl, Austria, September 25–27, 2017. (English) Zbl 1422.65009

Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 128. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-14243-8/hbk; 978-3-030-14244-5/ebook). xxii, 417 p. (2019).

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Publisher’s description: Finite element methods are the most popular methods for solving partial differential equations numerically, and despite having a history of more than 50 years, there is still active research on their analysis, application and extension. This book features overview papers and original research articles from participants of the 30th Chemnitz Finite Element Symposium, which itself has a 40-year history. Covering topics including numerical methods for equations with fractional partial derivatives; isogeometric analysis and other novel discretization methods, like space-time finite elements and boundary elements; analysis of a posteriori error estimates and adaptive methods; enhancement of efficient solvers of the resulting systems of equations, discretization methods for partial differential equations on surfaces; and methods adapted to applications in solid and fluid mechanics, it offers readers insights into the latest results.
The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. For the 16th symposium see [Zbl 1078.65506].
Indexed articles:
Apel, Thomas; Mateos, Mariano; Pfefferer, Johannes; Rösch, Arnd, Superconvergent graded meshes for an elliptic Dirichlet control problem, 1-16 [Zbl 1433.65257]
Banz, Lothar; Petsche, Jan; Schröder, Andreas, Explicit and implicit reconstructions of the potential in dual mixed \(hp\)-finite element methods, 17-40 [Zbl 1433.65260]
Banz, Lothar; Petsche, Jan; Schröder, Andreas, Two stabilized three-field formulations for the biharmonic problem, 41-55 [Zbl 1433.65275]
Bernkopf, Maximilian; Melenk, Jens Markus, Analysis of the \(hp\)-version of a first order system least squares method for the Helmholtz equation, 57-84 [Zbl 1433.65276]
Bruchhäuser, Marius Paul; Schwegler, Kristina; Bause, Markus, Numerical study of goal-oriented error control for stabilized finite element methods, 85-106 [Zbl 1433.65280]
Egger, Herbert; Kugler, Thomas, Uniform exponential stability of Galerkin approximations for a damped wave system, 107-129 [Zbl 1433.65289]
Frolov, Maxim; Chistiakova, Olga, Adaptive algorithm based on functional-type a posteriori error estimate for Reissner-Mindlin plates, 131-141 [Zbl 1433.65327]
Harbrecht, Helmut; Moor, Manuela, Wavelet boundary element methods: adaptivity and goal-oriented error estimation, 143-164 [Zbl 1431.65243]
Harizanov, Stanislav; Lazarov, Raytcho; Margenov, Svetozar; Marinov, Pencho; Pasciak, Joseph, Comparison analysis of two numerical methods for fractional diffusion problems based on the best rational approximations of \(t^\gamma\) on \([0, 1]\), 165-185 [Zbl 1429.65064]
Heinlein, Alexander; Klawonn, Axel; Rheinbach, Oliver; Röver, Friederike, A three-level extension of the GDSW overlapping Schwarz preconditioner in two dimensions, 187-204 [Zbl 1433.65333]
Hofer, Christoph; Takacs, Stefan, A parallel multigrid solver for multi-patch isogeometric analysis, 205-219 [Zbl 1433.65334]
Korneev, Vadim G., On a renewed approach to a posteriori error bounds for approximate solutions of reaction-diffusion equations, 221-245 [Zbl 1433.65261]
Langer, Ulrich; Neumüller, Martin; Schafelner, Andreas, Space-time finite element methods for parabolic evolution problems with variable coefficients, 247-275 [Zbl 1433.65217]
Rjasanow, Sergej; Weißer, Steffen, ACA improvement by surface segmentation, 277-295 [Zbl 1433.65326]
Scholz, Felix; Mantzaflaris, Angelos; Jüttler, Bert, First order error correction for trimmed quadrature in isogeometric analysis, 297-321 [Zbl 07159684]
Steinbach, Olaf; Yang, Huidong, A space-time finite element method for the linear bidomain equations, 323-339 [Zbl 1433.65225]
Steinbach, Olaf; Zank, Marco, A stabilized space-time finite element method for the wave equation, 341-370 [Zbl 1433.65226]
Voulis, Igor, An optimal order CG-DG space-time discretization method for parabolic problems, 371-386 [Zbl 1433.65228]
Weise, Michael, A framework for efficient hierarchic plate and shell elements, 387-413 [Zbl 1459.74181]


65-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to numerical analysis
65Z05 Applications to the sciences
65M60 Finite element, Rayleigh-Ritz and Galerkin methods for initial value and initial-boundary value problems involving PDEs
65N30 Finite element, Rayleigh-Ritz and Galerkin methods for boundary value problems involving PDEs
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest


Zbl 1078.65506
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