
Multiple changepoint detection with partial information on changepoint times. (English) Zbl 1422.62286

Summary: This paper proposes a new minimum description length procedure to detect multiple changepoints in time series data when some times are a priori thought more likely to be changepoints. This scenario arises with temperature time series homogenization pursuits, our focus here. Our Bayesian procedure constructs a natural prior distribution for the situation, and is shown to estimate the changepoint locations consistently, with an optimal convergence rate. Our methods substantially improve changepoint detection power when prior information is available. The methods are also tailored to bivariate data, allowing changes to occur in one or both component series.


62M10 Time series, auto-correlation, regression, etc. in statistics (GARCH)
62C12 Empirical decision procedures; empirical Bayes procedures
62G10 Nonparametric hypothesis testing
62H12 Estimation in multivariate analysis


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