
Realizable high-order finite-volume schemes for quadrature-based moment methods. (English) Zbl 1419.76465

Summary: Dilute gas-particle flows can be described by a kinetic equation containing terms for spatial transport, gravity, fluid drag and particle-particle collisions. However, direct numerical solution of kinetic equations is often infeasible because of the large number of independent variables. An alternative is to reformulate the problem in terms of the moments of the velocity distribution. Recently, a quadrature-based moment method was derived for approximating solutions to kinetic equations. The success of the new method is based on a moment-inversion algorithm that is used to calculate non-negative weights and abscissas from the moments. The moment-inversion algorithm does not work if the moments are non-realizable, which might lead to negative weights. In [ibid. 227, No. 4, 2514–2539 (2008; Zbl 1261.76027)], O. Desjardins et al. showed that realizability is guaranteed only with the 1st-order finite-volume scheme that has an inherent problem of excessive numerical diffusion. The use of high-order finite-volume schemes may lead to non-realizable moments. In the present work, realizability of the finite-volume schemes in both space and time is discussed for the 1st time. A generalized idea for developing realizable high-order finite-volume schemes for quadrature-based moment methods is presented. These finite-volume schemes give remarkable improvement in the solutions for a certain class of problems. It is also shown that the standard Runge-Kutta time-integration schemes do not guarantee realizability. However, realizability can be guaranteed if strong stability-preserving (SSP) Runge-Kutta schemes are used. Numerical results are presented on both Cartesian and triangular meshes.


76M12 Finite volume methods applied to problems in fluid mechanics
76T15 Dusty-gas two-phase flows


Zbl 1261.76027
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