
Combined effect of environmental temperature and density-dependent processes on the evolution of seasonal metabolic rate patterns. (English) Zbl 1415.92207

Summary: Species exhibit large diversity in their seasonal metabolic patterns which are traditionally explained by habitat specific seasonal temperature changes and various thermoregulatory adaptations. However, due to seasonal changes in resource abundances, density-dependent, ecological processes can also be important selective forces shaping the evolution of metabolic patterns. In the present theoretical study, the combined effect of environmental temperature and resource availability on the evolutionarily stable metabolic strategies is investigated in a consumer-resource model. Our results suggest that, under a broad range of circumstances, density-dependent mechanisms favor the selection of active metabolic regulation, where the metabolic rate differs from the thermally optimal value. This effect may be temporary, limited only to a brief period at seasonal changes, or permanent depending on the implied energetic cost and the relative timescale of environmental changes as compared to the generation time.


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