
Subgrid modelling for two-dimensional turbulence using neural networks. (English) Zbl 1415.76405

Summary: In this investigation, a data-driven turbulence closure framework is introduced and deployed for the subgrid modelling of Kraichnan turbulence. The novelty of the proposed method lies in the fact that snapshots from high-fidelity numerical data are used to inform artificial neural networks for predicting the turbulence source term through localized grid-resolved information. In particular, our proposed methodology successfully establishes a map between inputs given by stencils of the vorticity and the streamfunction along with information from two well-known eddy-viscosity kernels. Through this we predict the subgrid vorticity forcing in a temporally and spatially dynamic fashion. Our study is both a priori and a posteriori in nature. In the former, we present an extensive hyper-parameter optimization analysis in addition to learning quantification through probability-density-function-based validation of subgrid predictions. In the latter, we analyse the performance of our framework for flow evolution in a classical decaying two-dimensional turbulence test case in the presence of errors related to temporal and spatial discretization. Statistical assessments in the form of angle-averaged kinetic energy spectra demonstrate the promise of the proposed methodology for subgrid quantity inference. In addition, it is also observed that some measure of a posteriori error must be considered during optimal model selection for greater accuracy. The results in this article thus represent a promising development in the formalization of a framework for generation of heuristic-free turbulence closures from data.


76F65 Direct numerical and large eddy simulation of turbulence
76F05 Isotropic turbulence; homogeneous turbulence


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