
Full-parameter discrete Painlevé systems from non-translational Cremona isometries. (English) Zbl 1411.34116

Summary: Since the classification of discrete Painlevé equations in terms of rational surfaces, there has been much interest in the range of integrable equations arising from each of the 22 surface types in Sakai’s list [H. Sakai, Commun. Math. Phys. 220, No. 1, 165–229 (2001; Zbl 1010.34083)]. For all but the most degenerate type in the list, the surfaces come in families which admit affine Weyl groups of symmetries, translation elements of which define discrete Painlevé equations with the same number of parameters as their family of surfaces. While non-translation elements of the symmetry group have been observed to correspond to discrete systems of Painlevé-type through projective reduction, the resulting equations have fewer than the maximal number of free parameters corresponding to their surface type. We show that equations with the full number of free parameters can be constructed from non-translation elements of infinite order in the symmetry group, constructing several examples and demonstrating their integrability. This is prompted by the study of a previously proposed discrete Painlevé equation related to a special class of discrete analogues of surfaces of constant negative Gaussian curvature [T. Hoffmann, Bobenko, Alexander I. (ed.) et al., Discrete integrable geometry and physics. Based on the conference on condensed matter physics and discrete geometry, Vienna, Austria, February 1996. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Oxf. Lect. Ser. Math. Appl. 16, 83–96 (1999; Zbl 0944.53006)]. We obtain a full-parameter generalisation of this equation from the Cremona action of a non-translation element of the extended affine Weyl group \(\widetilde{W}(D_4^{(1)})\) on a family of generic \(D_4^{(1)}\)-surfaces.


34M55 Painlevé and other special ordinary differential equations in the complex domain; classification, hierarchies
14H70 Relationships between algebraic curves and integrable systems
14E07 Birational automorphisms, Cremona group and generalizations
33D52 Basic orthogonal polynomials and functions associated with root systems (Macdonald polynomials, etc.)
39A12 Discrete version of topics in analysis
39A10 Additive difference equations
37K10 Completely integrable infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems, integration methods, integrability tests, integrable hierarchies (KdV, KP, Toda, etc.)
37K35 Lie-Bäcklund and other transformations for infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems


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