
Spike latency and jitter of neuronal membrane patches with stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley channels. (English) Zbl 1403.92044

Summary: Ion channel stochasticity can influence the voltage dynamics of neuronal membrane, with stronger effects for smaller patches of membrane because of the correspondingly smaller number of channels. We examine this question with respect to first spike statistics in response to a periodic input of membrane patches including stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley channels, comparing these responses to spontaneous firing. Without noise, firing threshold of the model depends on frequency – a sinusoidal stimulus is subthreshold for low and high frequencies and suprathreshold for intermediate frequencies. When channel noise is added, a stimulus in the lower range of subthreshold frequencies can influence spike output, while high subthreshold frequencies remain subthreshold. Both input frequency and channel noise strength influence spike timing. Specifically, spike latency and jitter have distinct minima as a function of input frequency, showing a resonance like behavior. With either no input, or low frequency subthreshold input, or input in the low or high suprathreshold frequency range, channel noise reduces latency and jitter, with the strongest impact for the lowest input frequencies. In contrast, for an intermediate range of suprathreshold frequencies, where an optimal input gives a minimum latency, the noise effect reverses, and spike latency and jitter increase with channel noise. Thus, a resonant minimum of the spike response as a function of frequency becomes more pronounced with less noise. Spike latency and jitter also depend on the initial phase of the input, resulting in minimal latencies at an optimal phase, and depend on the membrane time constant, with a longer time constant broadening frequency tuning for minimal latency and jitter. Taken together, these results suggest how stochasticity of ion channels may influence spike timing and thus coding for neurons with functionally localized concentrations of channels, such as in “hot spots” of dendrites, spines or axons.


92C20 Neural biology
92C37 Cell biology
62P10 Applications of statistics to biology and medical sciences; meta analysis
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